OK, whatever we know stuff like this happens in baseball. You smack the piss out of a ball one day, you get the piss smacked back at you the next. It’s not that big a deal that Boston was both a first-five inning clobberer and clobberee. But here’s where it gets a little too much. While the Red Sox dealt it to the White Sox, the White Sox also dealt one this year themselves. What team did the White Sox victimize in their “first-five-inning” clobbering? You guessed it. The Toronto Blue Jays.
Let’s map this out. As you can see below we have box scores representing three out of the four total MLB games in 2022 in which a team scored in the first five innings. It’s really just an orgy circle of three teams taking turns giving it and taking it.
source: baseball-ref
WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN!? I have some working theories but nothing fully fleshed out. Baseball is America’s pastime so the fact that all three teams here have red, white and blue in their names seems like some sort of sign. Also, the Power Ball lotto is still six numbers, right? I don’t know. Maybe this is some hidden symbolism shit from the baseball gods reminding us that chaos will always reign in their game. “Any given Sunday” in the NFL is Bush league. In baseball you could literally clobber a team 16-3 one day and do this in route to losing 28-5 another:
Some think Boston is cursed. I get that. I mean, it wasn’t just this one game. The Red Sox pulled a crypto and turned a +42 differential after 91 games into a negative over the course of a work week. You think you did nothing at your 9-5 last week? My lawd! Think of it this way: the Boston Red Sox posted the worst three-game series run differential of the year in back-to-back series. They tied the Cubs (-23) right before the All-Star Break (both teams at the bats of the Yankees) and weren’t happy with this shared record so they went ahead and took it for themselves right afterwards vs the Blue Jays (-30):
All in all, I think I got to pick the Red Sox to win the World Series this year. This Monstar spell will soon pass once the gods had their fun. I’ll be rooting for it anyway in hopes Jarren Duran signs my live ball action photograph from the soon to be championship season:
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